If you have lost your pet, try the following.
Check our website every day. www.lostdogsandiego.com
File a lost pet report with every shelter within a 60-mile radius of your home and visit the nearest shelters daily. You can check our website for their information and the internet.
Have a recent photograph of your dog and a detailed description.
Notify the police if you believe your pet was stolen. Follow up with them as often as you can.
Walk or drive through your neighborhood several times each day, call your dog, have flyers to show people who are also out walking. Ask neighbors, letter carriers, and delivery people if they have seen your pet.
Post flyers everywhere. at grocery stores, community centers, veterinary offices, traffic intersections, at pet supply stores. The more the better.
When describing your pet, leave out one identifying characteristic and ask the person who finds your pet to describe it.
Be careful of scammers. When talking to a stranger who claims to have found your pet, ask him to describe the pet thoroughly before you offer any information. Be particularly wary of people who insist that you give or wire them money for the return of your pet.